Josh Fischer - .NET and C# Consultant

.NET, C#, Azure, WinUI, Wpf, Uno, Sql, Visual Studio, Webassembly

WinUI Community Toolkit updated

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I recently discovered that the WinUI Community Toolkit has had a massive upgrade. In fact, there are all new packages on NuGet. When you are searching for them, make sure you look for the new blue icon instead of the gray one. I've only used a couple of them so far, but they seem very stable and

.NET (Core,6,7,8) and WinUI Upgrade Pitfalls

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The .NET Upgrade Assistant does an excellent job of updating your classic .Net Framework projects to target the new .NET binaries. It is not a "fire-and-forget" process, however, and you will want to watch out for these common issues. Old Package References If the Upgrade Assistant can't find a

When async/await Is Not Asyncronous

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Numerous times in my career I have come across code that appears to be asynchronous, or multi-threaded, but the tasks are actually executed one at a time. This usually happens when existing code is retrofitted to use async/await or when there are layered function calls and complicated logic. The

Visual Studio Output Window Options

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Visual Studio can be a cruel partner. One bad upgrade or one misclick can change the way it operates or what it reports to you. Over the years I have had a few frustrating, head-slapping moments. Recently, one of these moments happened when my Output window "stopped working" and wasn't printing the

Enum Values Can Be Duplicated and Negative

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Well, you learn something every day. I just discovered that .NET enumerations can have duplicate values. I personally think this is little dangerous as the primary use of enumerations is to provide discrete numerical values for text based names, but I can image there are edge cases in which it